The Biopsy

So the saga continues with an infected lesion on the back of my hand. The infection has responded well to a heavy dose of antibiotics over the past week and the lesion has reduced to a fraction of it’s original size. However the centre of it remains incredibly painful to touch, as I discovered to my cost when I caught my hand briefly on the edge of a cardboard box. Ouch!

Yesterday I attended a day centre at the hospital to have the lesion biopsied. I was somewhat surprised to have a repeat swab taken from the lesion and another one from my nose before a punch biopsy was performed on my hand. Local anaesthetic was first injected around the lesion to numb the area and then under sterile conditions, a 5mm diameter chunk of tissue was removed for analysis. I felt no pain whatsoever though the wound spurted copious amounts of blood and the surgeon had his work cut out trying to stem the flow. Two stitches were inserted to close the wound and then a pressure bandage was applied to ensure that no further bleeding occurred. With my history of having the connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), extra caution is needed following surgery due to skin fragility and poor wound healing. Unfortunately, my hands do indeed suffer from delayed healing and so special care is required to prevent infection. I was sent home with antiseptic cream, spare dressings and instructions to return in a week’s time to have the stitches removed, and to receive the biopsy report. I was also given a prescription for a further week’s supply of the oral antibiotic (Flucloxacillin) plus an antibiotic ointment (Bactroban) to be applied to the inside of my nose. My legacy of previous MRSA infection seems to follow me everywhere though I suppose I should be grateful that every precaution is taken to ensure there is no return of this unwelcome superbug.

As procedures go, yesterday was plain sailing. I had a somewhat disturbed night due to discomfort in my hand but it’s no big deal. The best bit of all yesterday was that I received strict instructions to avoid doing washing-up. My only regret is that I didn’t succeed in getting this in writing πŸ˜‰

The Biopsy Report now awaits the biopsy report.

14 Responses to The Biopsy

  1. Knipex says:

    Best of luck Steph. Fingers crossed.

  2. Harry says:

    Ouch, poor Steph! I hope it works out for you Steph, let us know.

  3. Grannymar says:

    Poor Steph, you really are in the wars. Enjoy the washing up ban, sit back and allow pampering.

    Are you allowed to paint your nails?

  4. Steph says:

    Thanks folks!

    You probably think I invent this stuff at this stage but I swear every word is true πŸ˜€

    GM – I used up my brownie points for pampering long ago but that doesn’t stop me trying!

  5. Nonny says:

    Ahh that is terrible Steph. I hope it works out ok πŸ™‚

  6. Ouch, sounds rather painful.
    Hope things improve soon πŸ™‚

  7. Steph says:

    Thanks for your comments guys!

    I have to admit that I feel like a bit of a fraud for writing about this episode as it’s very small fry compared to the bigger picture. I’m so used to life being turned upside-down by medical emergencies that this one feels little more than a nuisance.

    It’s good to know however that people do care.

  8. Ooh, ow, ow, ow – my legs went all wibbly just reading that. I do so hope you’ll be okay – you take good care, see – and enjoy that washing up ban. I honestly think all housework of any sort should have been totally banned too! πŸ™‚

  9. Steph says:

    Cheers AV! Don’t go too wibbly wobbly please – I’d hate to be the cause of an accident πŸ˜€

  10. Nancy says:

    Hello Steph,

    Thanks for the birthday greetings. I especially appreciate your good wishes when I know what you are going through with your own troubles.

    Take good care of yourself. I will be thinking of you…..

  11. Steph says:

    Thank you Nancy – may all our troubles be only little ones from now on!

  12. […] for Arrogance? For those of you who’ve been following the story of my biopsy, you will remember that I had a recent contretemps with a private consultant surgeon. Yesterday I […]

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